Pretty much trash.
20 May 2019
If had I time machine I'd go back and not watch this. Obvious joke, but not all time travel movies are worth you time. This ain't.

I begins ok, looks and plays like a Nickelodeon-production. Until the f-bombs start coming. Then n-bombs. What the heck is this? It's colorful and with young actors, but they keep swearing, it's pretty weird.

Then one of the characters does something so mind-numbingly stupid and out of character, that I pretty much lost all hope from there. Plus, the weak-ass "political" message: cops are evil and kill black people for sport, is so on the nose it's embarrassing. Even though this movie shows plenty of black-on-black crime, it's still made out to be solely because of racism. Look, racism is real and it sucks, but does EVERY movie with a black cast have to be about the same thing? Come on.

And here's the kicker. This movie is weak with a sucky script, the IMDB-rating as of now is 4,9, but the critics seems to love it! I wonder why. Could it be because of the weak-sauce "politics" on display?

To be fair, the main characters do a good job, acting is pretty alright. They are pretty and charming. And Michael J Fox has a cameo, so watch the first 5 minutes or so, to catch him. Then skip.
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