Not bad, but the other is far better
11 May 2019
A case of mistaken identity - or misrepresentation ? I got this DVD - when searching for the 1940 version, I landed up in this one - when the cover clearly mentioned Pagnol - which may be technically true, but not morally so. Anyway thankfully, I realised it in time, and ordered- this time ensuring, the one I wanted, and that gave me a chance to compare the two. I won't go by the story, which has been well documented in the page already, but look at comparison. This one has too has been faithful replica of 1940 version, but within its limitations. First and major limitation was on actors - and also selection. The potential suitor in 1940 version was Fernandel, who could be seen to be almost suitable - at least age and look wise (he was below 40, and looked about 30) to the 18 year old Patricia (or 17 year old Amanda). Here Merad looked quite almost as old as Auteuill - though in mid forties, but the look wise could have been 10 years older - definitely not potential husbands for the mid-teen girls, or 17 year old Amanda falling so desperately in love with him. Fernandel, not only looked younger, but had a charm, may be comic, but being boyish, it was a lovable one, around him.

Among other actors, only Auteuill tried to reach the uncompareable Raimu, though still trailed by quite a distance, all other were too far behind to their counterparts to be even seen - and that includes, naturally the two who enacted Patricia - Astrid didn't stand a chance against Josette.

The other - and very major error in this version was the dialogues - certain critical dialogues were reworded, for somewhat different meaning, even a word mattered e.g. "Si vous voulez aller vite, j'aurai pas peur" - the voulez was skipped in 2011 - and that, with the acting, changed the complexion - from diffident and shy to a bit more encouraging. Considering the period of WW-1 had been retained in the 2011 version too (though they couldn't manage to get an authentic pre-historic motorcycle). But unfortunately, the behavior of the girl was modern - while Day maintained arms distance while pillion riding, Astrid was clinging to him. And of course, probably to cut down half an hour - some segments have to be compromised - but a few were important ones - for example the clash between Amoretti Sr. (Raimu) and Mozels at the field - over the grandson - which went to the lost son - was trimmed - missing a very critical comment by Raimu - the pain for the daughter - who wasn't dead, but dead for him, though the love for her wasn't , versus their grief for the son, who was really dead. A few wthat were sacrificed, didn't matter much (for example towards the end, over the shape of the nose of the baby), but quite a few did, and it also changed the context, by the re-phrases.

Probably haven't I watched the other, this would have been OK, but after that, naturally I am forced to give comparative grading - 8.5 vs 6 - and none on the story - which is sweet, charming and romantic, but not something too extraordinary. The marks all go to acting as well as direction/ visualisation.

Watch the 1940, skip this.
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