Trying and trying to re-inhabit a remembered love
26 April 2019
Have you ever found yourself wandering the corridors of your mind searching for someone you started to love perhaps ten or twenty years ago, before a disruption? Have you found yourself going "room to room" in memory? Or, in imagination, sketching variations of what could have happened? Or how you could still get together? The peculiar way time passes and doesn't, repeats and doesn't. Would she recognize you? Would you recognize her? And how would you describe what this longing tastes like? If you wanted to express this taste, this mood, could film be the medium of choice? Could film have the potential to be more poetic than poetry? How many conventions of box office narrative would you need to discard?

4.26.19 Here in LA no one is daring to compete with the release of Avengers Endgame. Except for Warriors vs. Clippers and a masterpiece from China: "A Long Day's Journey into Night" (misnomer). Seen it twice. For now let's just say: in a virtuosic display of movement, space, time, light, color, felt sense -- sprouting partly from some seeds scattered in Tarkovsky's Stalker -- it's the lived experience of the self as it tries and tries to re-inhabit a remembered love. Got plans for the weekend?
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