Fallout 76 (2018 Video Game)
Enjoyable for what it is!
25 April 2019
There's an endless line of people willing to complain about this game, but I enjoy it for what it is. Here are ten reasons I'd buy Fallout 76 again: 1.) The Bugs Have Been (Mostly) Handled. You've probably heard a lot about the bugs and whatnot, but through regular updates, the majority of them have been handled! The game is playable; you don't glitch out any more than you would playing Fallout 4. (And, honestly, it's pretty miraculous that an online server like this holds up in the first place.) 2.) So Many Locations to Explore. You can explore so. much. The map is huge, but not impossible to get around in. Just like the previous games, each location still has lore and it's own vibe! 3.) The Lack of NPCs Isn't As Bad As It Seems. I was pretty disappointed when I learned there weren't any NPCs, but I'm actually surprisingly satisfied with the dialogue and backstory you can dig up through holotapes, notes, and terminals. 4.) CAMP Building. Building is still super fun- I've spent ages building in Fallout 4 settlements, and I'm actually really enjoying the 76 CAMP opportunities. 5.) The Graphics. Seriously, I might actually play this game even if I was completely unable to interact with anyone or anything, just to walk around and look at this world. The graphics really bring it all to life; walking through the forest, sun beams coming through the trees- it's really brilliant. 6.) Other Players Aren't Intolerable. People aren't actually as obnoxious as you'd expect! Now, I'm not saying you won't run into jerks, because you totally will, but you'll find some cool people, too! You can also just ignore everyone; it's not too hard. There are things in place (pacifist mode, bounties) to keep people from going to far with griefing. 7.) You Feel Like Part Of A Community. Surrounded by other Fallout fans, you can talk about the games, trade with each other, teach each other things you might not have figured out on your own. I get all happy even just when someone gives a wave emote when they pass by. 8.) There's Stuff to Do. There's actually a good amount of stuff to do, if you're the type to follow quests. There's not as much as the previous games, but still; my friend plays a lot, every day, since it came out four months ago, and he's just recently ran out of quests. (Not including the daily ones and the quests you can repeat, of course.) And Bethesda releases new quests every now and then, so there's always something to do. 9.) New Lore. You get to learn about new creatures, new radiation effects, new survivor's stories, etc. 10.) Continued Lore. Even without your favorite NPCs, even being across the country from the previous games; the lore is continued! You get to explore the Enclave's beginning, the Mistress of Mystery, Vault Tec, etc. In conclusion; don't let the uproar from disappointed fans drown out what matters! The game isn't perfect, but it's fun and enjoyable, and isn't that the point of games in the first place?
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