Brief Encounter (1974 TV Movie)
Disappointing and weak.
24 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
With two very charismatic stars I was hoping to see some major sparks fly. Unfortunately, the restrained British manner which the two main characters possess doesn't build up much from their initial polite consciousness from their first meeting. Loren and Burton really could have made the sparks fly with their magnetic appeal. The chemistry was there, the eye contact was there and the opportunity was there to really see some tension. But why was it so flat? Perhaps the fault lies in the direction. The script certainly offered some buildup, but the action didn't seem to follow or match. Two strangers meet at a railway station. He's a physician and she's a Social worker for a women's assistance bureau. Both admit to being married, but inevitably fall for each other. Burton's character is more pursuant while Loren is more coy. I did like the honest dialogue where both characters weigh and commiserate over the possible repercussions of infidelity and divorce. The outcome being more disastrous for her since she's raising two children. I do appreciate that a story can acknowledge the risks of the situation and all those involved, but that would disappoint those who are looking for a steamy affair to consummate. The affair lasts but a few weeks as the two agree to meet every Wednesday afternoon. They engage in simple outings such as walks in the park or dining in cafes. But when the chance comes for them to get together for that rendezvous finale they are interrupted unexpectedly which destroys their evening and ultimately ends the fling.

I like both of these stars and both possess finesse and class. But their approach for their characters here left me high and dry.
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