5 Flights Up (2014)
25 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, despite its paper-thin plot, gave me the pleasure of watching two ultimate pro actors perform. And it did so without waving guns, without tough cops, car chases, or extreme language/sex/violence. The story is about selling their apartment in Brooklyn, mainly because it is five flights up stairs in a non-elevator building. Frankly, I did not think such extreme walk-ups existed; I lived in Brooklyn and never heard of such a thing. Anyway, this story goes over the couple's attempt to not only sell their apartment, but to buy another, so they can live in an accessible space, as they are getting old. On the periphery of the action is a side story of a possible terrorist loose in the neighborhood. This produces a smidge of tension (will he appear and take our heroes hostage?) This side plot is useless and unnecessary. BTW, is it required to have Freeman narrate every movie he's in? 5 Flights Up is tame and pleasant, if not compelling.
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