Review of Supercon

Supercon (2018)
Immature and sexist
23 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
An actual good idea, a heist movie inside a comic-con, with the marginalized celebrities seeking revenge on the (of course vile) big star and the greedy organizer. Add to that some known names, most notably John Malkovich, Maggie Grace and I was intrigued.

Wow, what a disappointment this was. Extremely mishandled, everything from the script to the acting was so bad. And not even so bad it was quirky or funny, but just bad taste bad. Each and every so called joke either was about sex or human waste. It was so simple minded that if I said that it could only have been written by a few eight year old boys, I think I am actually insulting the boys' intelligence. And instead of the heist being the climax, it became a low point of toilet humor in its worst representation.

It is beyond me that the writers, who set their story in a comic-con, couldn't come up with jokes and references connected to the popular culture or fandom that is one of the fastest growing businesses today. Instead the jokes always centered around someones crotch (mostly testicles) or cancer. Actually, the most commonly used "joke" combined it - Testicularcancer. Hilarious? No.

Not surprisingly, the acting was rather listless. Quite a few of the actors and actresses are very competent, I know that for a fact. My guess is that they just did their day's work and got out of there as quick as they could. I would have too. I justed wish that I hadn't spent the time watching it.
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