Review of Infinity

Infinity (1996)
Sadly, a complete letdown
15 March 2019
(Spoilers ahead, beware!)

This movie has missed so many opportunities to turn itself into an unforgettable experience. But instead it's a movie for only those Feynman lovers out there which will probably leave you let down, like it did with me.

I really hope someone decides to give this movie a do-over. Hell, National Geographic should pick Feynman as the subject for the 'Genius' series simply because of the endless volume of stories that can be told about him. Happy, sad, inspirational and goofy. The man truly had it all.

There's just so much inspirational material out there for this movie, and yet we get so little.

I liked the movie, but I seriously mourn for its shortcomings.

If anyone at Nat Geo is reading this? Stick your neck out and get a season done about Feynman on Genius.
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