good for smiles & giggles
27 February 2019
This has been enjoyable enough so far! i'm far from a connoisseur of anime, but this one mostly managed to avoid the things that i dislike about the medium (stilted dialogue, fan service, melodramatic monologues, exaggerated humour, etc. - there are exceptions of course), but they're still there occasionally.

the 'messages' in the show and the characters used to showcase them (e.g. friendship) are sledgehammered into your head. still, i thought the humour, which you'll get to see in the very first episode, was pretty good. overall, the show runs a bit on the bland side. it's sort of like if you were invited to a halloween party open to all sorts of crazy costumes and you came dressed as a witch.

my two cents, since there's so few reviews for this show.
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