Review of The Command

The Command (2018)
@aliensresevoir Review
18 February 2019
As a veteran and one who went through cold war and also worked dod contracts after and worked and dealt with Russian's and Ukrainian's and other in exchange program and other situations even during service I can tell you that "his" truth is not true at all. The fact is, especially during this time period and even before Russia was in trouble. Financially, and corruption running rampant through their whole system, still is for that matter. Not the oil and gas tycoon's they are now. Their people suffered hardships, starvation even at times depending on your class and ethnicity. Communism really isn't communism, lol, there is always the elite, the ones who have more, and those that suffer. During these many years, Russia, as is today has a draft system. Poor boys who don't have the means to get out of service or to enter into nice safe officer positions are the fodder for the machine. And many died, not just on Kursk. You see their entire military was running on fumes and old equipment, especially the navy. They went to great links to hide their bone yards of subs and other vessels that they could no longer keep afloat or maintain. You can even find old video and documentaries on some of these old bone yards, even on the subs. But, most of the accidents and losses like the Kursk were never reported, not even at home. Many many died. And no they would never ask for help, especially not from us. Aliensresevoir is obviously Russian, at least that is how it seems. But, he knows nothing of the actual events, or the many others exactly like the Kursk... or even the cosmonauts they lost etc etc etc and no one ever will. Unlike us, their failures and defeats will never see light of day to show weakness in any area. Only the success's. Like the hyper sonic missile which breaks treaties and put's us all at risk again even though it too is easily defeated. Just because something goes fast does not mean anything lol. You don't hunt birds with a rifle but a shotgun, hint hint lol. What we need is to understand once and for all, that war and military might and destruction is not the answer and never will be. We need to release free energy technology and bring peace to the world, nothing left to fight over accept Religion and even that can be overcome if we want to. But, you see, they don't want to..... There in lies the real truth...... As for the movie, it tries to bring the sad drama of what they think might have happened and what the poor sailors went through. Almost all of whom did not want to be there in the first place and that is sad. Because of the publicity it was the first time Russia had to acknowledge their defeats and caused them to stand up and take responsibility for the sailors and their families to save face, good on them at any rate for doing what they should do. On all sides all over world, we military are the forgotten hero's of every country and are never taken care of or rewarded correctly for their selfless service, even when forced to do so.

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