A Solid Submarine Film
23 January 2019
With their arrival into port, the crewmembers of the British submarine "Sea Tiger" are looking forward to some rest and relaxation. Unfortunately, they are soon called back to their boat due to orders from their higher headquarters. Once at sea, they are told that their new mission is to find the German battleship "Brandenburg" and sink her before she can get into the Baltic Sea. To get there in time to intercept the battleship they will have to travel on the surface during the day which makes them easy prey for German aircraft. If that wasn't difficult enough, they will also have to contend with German mines and a submarine net in the process--as well as any German destroyers serving as escorts. Not an easy task indeed. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was a solid submarine film which covered most of the basic elements for this type of picture. Admittedly, there were a couple of scenes which strained credibility, but it was still entertaining none-the-less. In any case, I enjoyed this film for the most part and have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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