Good For Unintentional Laughs
20 January 2019
A professor and his students trek out into the wilderness in search of Bigfoot. This movie is surprisingly much more gory than I was expecting, but mixed with at times passable acting and kills that seem to bring more laughter than fear this Bigfoot horror movie falls flat on its back. Now I must say the music by Stuart Hardy and Dennis McCarthy in the movie is actually quite good. Problem is when your theme over the opening credits uses a flute as its main instrument it doesn't bring fear. Probably would be a finalist for the happiest music in a horror film of 1980. The humour as well that the movie tries to attempt is pretty clumsy. In the end you will be laughing unintentionally. Some times though those make good bad movies (I would put this movie into that category) to watch with buddies over a couple of beers. If you do end up watching this horror flick you might see where they got the sleeping bag kill for FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VII: THE NEW BLOOD. Additionally, after Professor Nugent (Michael Cutt) tells the story about the motorcyclist I would have packed my things, ran home and NEVER hunted the Bigfoot.
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