Review of White Gold

White Gold (2017–2019)
The 'T. O. P. M. A. N.' in full effect
18 January 2019
UPDATE ON S2 - 07/04/20

Just completed S2, again brilliantly written and cast, capturing that quintessential 80's theme of 'veneer of shinyness coating over what was crap underneath'. The addition of Jo as a foil to Ed Westwick's character was a master stroke. As things ended in ep 6, there's more than enough room to commission S3, go on BBC, you know you want to!


The title here alludes to one of the tracks off Blur's album the 'Great Escape'. I couldn't help when watching this to have the lyrics to that particular track waltz around my brain.

Essex, the early eighties complete with XR3i's, perms and stilettos (white) for the ladies, Sony Walkmans and (improbably) UPVC windows that the title of said sitcom alludes to.

The central character is a suave, roguish (caddish?) chancer who upon being relieved of his employment sees an opportunity to 'make it big' selling Windows. It's difficult not to be charmed by the actors portrayal, plus the excellent supporting cast (in-betweeners anyone) make their ensuing escapades both hilarious and occasionally tragic.

I'm hoping the BBC will look to make a Series 2, as a license fee payer I endorse!
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