Review of Cyborg

Cyborg (1989)
CHEER! - (7 stars out of 10)
15 January 2019
The stage curtains open ...

This was the very first Jean-Claude Van Damme movie I'd ever seen on the big screen, having missed out on "Bloodsport" until it's video release. My girlfriend (at the time) and I had a big fight that night, but after we made up we decided to go watch this movie in the theater. I know ... it's a weird film to pick when you're making up - LOL. But, we both had a good time and enjoyed it.

Van Damme plays the part of Gibson, a slinger - who is basically a hired gun to protect people or to hunt down other people. A notorious pirate named Fender (played by Vincent Klyn) has abducted a cyborg named Pearl (played by Dayle Haddon) who holds information that would cure the plague that is killing off earth's remaining population. As Gibson tracks down Fender and his band of pirates, we learn that there is much more brewing under the surface than we first realize.

This is a very good post-apocalyptic action film with well choreographed fight scenes featuring your typical Van Damme athletic moves and high flying kicks. The story was fairly generic, but well executed. Klyn made a formidable opponent and was solid in his role.

Maybe this isn't the best movie to share with your girlfriend or boyfriend if you are trying to set a romantic mood, but for action lovers, this is a recommend and a fun flick.
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