Review of M.L.E.

M.L.E. (2015)
Funny, kooky, random - the kind of world I'd want to live in
2 December 2018
Blessed be the day I found this little hidden gem! It's lifted my spirits right out of the dark mood I've been in this week!

It's a refreshing escape from the mundanities of life with several unexpected twists thrown in. I've got actor friends and they keep saying how much it sucks trying to get a career of the ground in a place like London. But I found it so much fun to see it through the eyes of the lead character when she starts getting in to all these mad and random situations. Without dropping too many spoilers, my favourite parts were probably the nursery song and the bike chase! It's done to just the right tone of amusement!

Also I love the diversity of the cast and the fact that the lead role is not a typically brash American-type in the UK.

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