Reversing Roe (2018)
Excellent though of course infuriating
29 November 2018
Film does an excellent job in telling the story of the fight for the right to choose what happens to your body if you are a woman. It simply is balanced, both sides got more or less equal amount of time/space to speak their mind. If you browse through a couple of reviews here you can find some claims about the movie that simply are not true, so for instance you can find this gem: " The pro life movement is made to look like a bunch of idiots, driven only by males. Not one woman was highlighted as being pro life.". He/she proved the first part of that claim with that very sentence incidentally, because not only was that not the case in the movie but the last person who is speaking for the pro-life side is a woman. Also there is critic that the pro-life side is represented only by religious fanatics, no science on their side. Of course there is a reason for that also, in that the scientific facts simply are not in favor of pro-life. I am sorry that certain people seem to be offended by the representation of pro-life by the religious right in the movie, but that is who is pushing pro-life agenda, as mentioned there is a reason its not Nobel lauerates picketing clinics and killing people. Thats not the fault of the film. To summarize: take the 90 minutes and watch the film, if you are a person with critical/objective/rational thought process you will enjoy it (no matter on which side of the fence you fall on), if not then be prepared to get upset I guess....
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