Stoney Burke (1962–1963)
Very Serious Effort
22 November 2018
I remember watching this when it was first broadcast (1962-63), and I remember liking it, probably because it focused on the rodeo life. What boy wouldn't like that kind of life? On re-watching, 55 years later, I realize that this was a serious effort for television. Script and character development were good. Jack Lord was a good actor, and had a good screen presence. However, over 32 hourly episodes, I wearied of the "noirish" quality of the program, and I found myself wishing that it had been shot in color, although that would have betrayed the cheap production values. The transfer to CD was not even. And, the sound quality varied. I wish that closed captions had been added. My wife could not hear a single word. Stoney Burke is worthy of your consideration.
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