Yeah, let's see how Charlie Kaufman can top this.
4 November 2018
Not only is THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WIND a striking achievement in film history - a nearly faithful assembly of the infamously scrapped project by THE Orson Welles - but it's also an impressive statement on movie-making itself. How film isn't always defined by one lens. How approaching movies as autobiographies makes a directors life less valuable. How a desperate production hell takes its toll on a legends vision. And how sexual or psychological baggage bite you in the ass as the years pass by. You'd also see how he's deconstructing himself as he makes his movie, which probably started as this avante-garde film starring two people, then a story about how a legendary director makes this avante-garde film, then the issues he deals with in showing this movie to a fanbase that may or may not hold him too high of a standard.

It's also an uneasy film to watch. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WIND isn't afraid to alienate you with it's off-the-wall filmmaking techniques. A movie that juggles with plenty of ideas about moviemaking it's probably too hard to grasp at once. In fact, I'm very simple minded so my interpretation barely scratched the surface of this behemoth. But I'd say if you're a huge fan of Welles as well as filmmaking in general, this movie is nothing you've ever seen before.
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