Deep Blue Sea 2 (2018 Video)
Nice gore, but written in crayon...
23 October 2018
Oct 15

A-Z Horror Movie of the Day..."Deep Blue Sea 2" (R - 2018 - US)...meh.

Sub-Genre: Monster/Gore My Score: 5.5

Cast=3 Acting=3 Plot=6 Ending=7 Story=4 Scare=5 Jump=7 F/X=6 Monster=6 Gore=8

A brilliant billionaire named Carl Durant is experimenting on bull sharks, which soon rebel to cause havoc for a group of scientists.

"They're learning how to learn and they like it!" It's gems like this like that can tall you it's not very well written. Also while I can appreciate the leading lady to be beautiful, but to have her do things like zip up the wetsuit just enough to show cleavage takes away her intellect and the strength of the film. The gore was sound, felt more like a SyFy channel movie so I can't give it anymore than a meh.
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