Fathers and sons
16 October 2018
The Place Beyond the Pines starts out with motorcycle stunt rider Luke (Ryan Gosling) who starts robbing banks in order to provide for his baby. A son he belatedly discovers he has because he broke up with his girlfriend Romina, (Eva Mendes) who is now living with another man.

Luke's plans to be a good father does not end well as his luck runs out. Avery (Bradley Cooper) is a novice cop who goes after Luke and later gets in some bother with corrupt cops in his department. The ambitious Avery uses this to get into the District Attorney's office.

The third act of the movie is set 15 years later as the children of these two men cross paths. Both children are delinquents in some ways.

The film goes for an epic scope with interweaving stories. There is a great opening with Gosling as he goes out to ride the wall of death.

The film loses its focus when it concentrates on their kids because the story is not that great. However director Derek Cianfrance has made an intriguing film. It is a shame that he runs out of his narrative drive by the end.
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