Love Camp 7 (1969)
Dated, and then some
11 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
LOVE CAMP 7 has gone down in the annals of Z-grade exploitation cinema for precisely two reasons. First, it's the first film in the exploitative 'Nazisploitation' sub-genre of films, typically featuring captives being experimented upon and variously humiliated, tortured and killed by participants of Hitler's cruel regime. Second, it was banned outright in the UK back in the 1980s, linking it with the infamous 'video nasties' scandal. Seen today, it's a pure skin flick with very little in it to actually offend, although it is tasteless. It plays out more as a prison film than a Nazi movie, and it has little of the depravity that the sub-genre would become known for in the 1970s with the likes of the ILSA franchise or the Italian versions of the story. Essentially this is an excuse for wall-to-wall nudity and sex scenes, with the bare bones of a plot about a couple of spies in the camp. The only good scene is the violent climax; the rest is oh-so-dull.
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