Unbelievably raunchy but hilarious at times
13 September 2018
Is this appropriate family viewing? I'm old enough to be the grandfather of many of the characters and I'm not old enough to watch it. I'm referring to the cleaned up version for broadcast TV. Which really wasn't cleaned up enough, but I don't think such a thing was possible. It was pretty obvious where the F-word was used in many cases even though I couldn't hear it, but if my guesses about where content was removed and what was removed are correct, the great Betty White is not old enough to watch this movie. I can't even imagine what some of the content taken out of this might have been.

With that out of the way, I found many of the gags hilarious.

Jonathan Bennett did a very good job (considering the material) as our hero. he made us like him and care what happened to him.

Kristin Cavallari also did a very good job. Not only very good looking, but intelligent as well. Did I mention good looking? And the camera made sure to focus on just what looked good about her.

And speaking of good-looking girls, wow! They made sure to show us as many bikinis as possible. If there was actual nudity, I obviously didn't get to see it because it was TV.

Sure, there is a formula here, but it's a great formula. What these guys and girls did to get even with the villains was amazing and took a lot of intelligence. Really.

If you like juvenile humor that is adult because kids aren't old enough to watch it, and you're not expecting Oscar, you just may enjoy this.
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