Reversing Roe (2018)
Well done and factual history, but leaves out some key things
13 September 2018
Reversing Roe gives us a good history of the battle for and against legalized abortion in America. The strategies and tactics employed by the players on both sides are well presented. However, several things which I believe are extremely relevant to this debate were completely absent from this documentary.

The first of these omissions is there was no discussion whatsoever that the 1973 SC ruling seemed to invent out of thin air a Constitutional "right to privacy" and a woman's "right" to have complete control over her own body. Wouldn't those "rights" also apply to prostitution, where a woman would be able to rent her services as she sees fit, without having to fear being thrown in jail, or give the lion's share of her earnings to someone paying off the police?

The ROE decision also included "viability" of the fetus, which is an ever-moving target due to constant medical advancements.

The movie well depicts the passion that drives the leaders of both the "Pro-Life" and "Pro-Choice" movements. What the movie omits is that this passion is limited to a fairly small section of the population as a whole.

Many Pro-Life supporters publicly claim abortion is murder. But ask ANY Pro-Life politician if he or she believes that women who go to foreign countries for abortions should be prosecuted, imprisoned, and/or executed for premeditated murder, and the answer will be "NO!" Similarly, very few people who want to keep abortion legal will admit to wanting the taxpayers to fund an unlimited number of abortions for a woman who keeps getting pregnant but doesn't want any children.

Because of these realities, abortion isn't in the forefront of the minds of most Americans. In scores of national polls where voters are asked what the most important political issues are in America, abortion currently ranks around 14th place. REVERSING ROE might have you believe otherwise.
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