2 September 2018
"Its first effect is sudden, violent, uncontrollable laughter."

"Reefer Madness," "Tell Your Children," or all of the other titles it goes by, is a humorously absurd exaggeration of the effects of marijuana. Rather than being unintentionally-funny propaganda where we laugh at the expense of those who made it, though, I suspect the joke, if it's on anyone, are those who take the film to be an earnest (mis)educational picture to begin with. That includes the censors of its day, which wouldn't allow a sensational depiction of an even-by-then controlled substance otherwise, and it includes those in today's audience who believe this to have been seriously intended in the first place rather than the exploitation film that it is. Of the 115 IMDb reviews of this film as of the posting of this one, 45 fall under the misconception that it's propaganda, including 10 either insinuating or flat-out misinforming that it's government sponsored. One even claims that Big Tobacco "fascism" was behind it. Only eight reviews, plus mine, recognize it as exploitation, and five others split the difference or somehow suggest that the film is both.

The production history is obscure enough to be open to misunderstandings, with dubious reports of being financed or written by an unnamed church group and even more unlikely by the government, but it was distributed on the exploitation market--and later to midnight movie-goers and pot-smoking youths. It seems obvious to me that the filmmakers were in on the joke, too. Earnest anti-drug propaganda doesn't linger on shots of Thelma White in undress, or feature other scenes of young women in various states of stripping and youths making out, or for that matter, feature a multitude of images of the drug they're supposedly against being used.

Camp and irony existed in the 1930s, folks. The introductory lecture from the quack, who narrates the main sensational story, which also partly includes him, is played straight for mockery. And the exaggerated depictions of marijuana here are camped up: among its "soul-destroying effects" being the incessant puffing and insufficient inhaling of the cigarettes, the maniacal laughter, the crazed piano playing, the sexual intoxication, the forgetting how to dance properly, hit-and-run speed driving, hallucinations and incurable insanity, jumping out windows and murdering your entire family with an axe, and the ability to bend bullets against all physical laws to hit someone in the back from another direction--not unlike "Wanted" (2008). Well, the introductory titles did warn us of marijuana's influence including that "space expands" and "time slows down" until "monstrous extravagances" are conjured, after all.

Indeed, this is so bad that it's good. The B-picture production values and the acting varying from amateurish to campy helps. The reefer fiend with dark parted curly hair, whose scenes look as though they were edited in after initial production, playing the piano and sneaking a smoke in the closet is great. I also like the feeble attempts to portray the insanity, such as with a quick montage of deranged close-ups. It's dopey, but fun.
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