Ms. Matched (2016 TV Movie)
T e r r i b l e
19 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When I Watch a Hallmark romantic movie I don't expect a GOOD movie, I expect silly romance and happy endings. Bit THIS ENDING... No way. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

*Spoiler* I thought it was so lame that it couldn't be the actual ENDING... Getting married because the wedding had already been paid for... Let me rephrase this... The WEDDING PLANNER getting married -WITH THE GUY WHO WANTS PEOPLE TO HAVE CHEAP WEDDINGS- in SOMEONE ELSE'S WEDDING because it had already been paid for. I told myself 'there's no way they're actually getting married. They barely know each other. They didn't have much of a romantic story developed thoughout the movie, no big moments when you say -even though we know it CANNOT happen in real life- 'oh, they're perfect for each other'. Even for a rom-com it was toooooooooo unrealistic. I actually thought they were going to use the wedding event as a way to promote their new business or somerthing, it made much more sense... like a preview for pottential clients that would like an affordable wedding that was also special and original...

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