Sick Note (2017–2018)
Unexpected hilarity
4 August 2018
If you think you have a dark sense of humour or have any sarcastic tendencies, prepare to be shocked. This is your test. Breath of fresh air. Funny when it shouldn't be. Takes serious issues and twists them to create bizarre situations that you can't help but root for and find funny...even when bizarre...ludicrous...out of this world at times! Another weekend binge watch MUST! Casting deserves a special mention - supporting cast are fantastic despite the sometimes (overall it's fabulous!) SOMETIMES slow, even stalling dialogue. A third of the first series could have been cut due to slow and unnecessary dialogue. A faster pace in future series (hopefully!) would be great! Direction and production overall great - camera crew (editors? Sorry for technical ignorance )deserve a special mention for the "putting together" which helps the overall performance and effect by at least 80% I imagine. Geniuses. In short, if you have an even slightly off centre sense of humour you need to watch this. If you don't, watch it anyway. The acting is actually superb and despite the location settings for any scene, the acting and storyline - no matter if you find it bizarre or believable, even if it seems uninteresting to you - I love the ludicrously overactive EVERYTHING personally - it all flows so well and becomes a believable and addictive addition to your life. I binged watched the first series in half a day. Mostly for "Ron"s HE WILL ALWAYS BE RON DAMMIT performance. The dude can act his bloody socks off and it was refreshing to see him in a "normal" regular bloke type character that was an actual adult who you could understand and emphasise with wether you are a man or woman. It descends into chaos granted and he gets quite lost in the madness as a person and a genuine REAL character but he still breaks free of HP and is "himself" iykwim and he does it really bloody well. Much off tangent and quite ranty at parts - sorry - lady reviewer and first or second (?) review when insomniac strikes so I need some practice. BUT I hope despite my over writing you sensible people can read through the lines and see that what I mean is it is actually genius in hiding type writing and acting and you should watch it immediately! Download it, watch it drunk, sober, tired, full from bingeing on popcorn pizza and dr pepper(or Fanta fruit twist?!) it's worth the wasted hour or three (trust me, persevere) to see a couple - or four - episodes. Top tip; if you're single it takes your mind off the post one night stand misery:lack of hooking up. If you're with someone - newer the better IMO, it's the perfect silly sitcom series to watch post coitus/early weekend brunch in bed (guys (and girls-who bother to cook, ever..avocado/mushrooms/tomato's all or some/one whatever on toast goes down well the morning after etc, meat eaters grab some streaky or not bacon or sausages and fry up a sandwich feast. Nothing helps the first series episode go down well better than a greasy or open (poncy IMO - but I love em) sandwich!) Ps. Enjoy my super long "helps you in the bathroom iykwim kinda review" no longer do you need the back of the shampoo bottle - FYI they've edited them ALL to tell you they're trying not to poison the ocean. Star my bloody ranty review. Insomnia grew this! And Ron - he will FOREVER be Ron has grown up. Don't miss watching him break free in Sick Note. This might be the last REAL sitcom you see him in before Hollywood snap him up and he morphs into a factory style same old same old actor in yet another unbelievable Diaz-UK "unknown" actor rom-com. He needs the support of the UK for the work he is doing here and now. As does, most importantly, the writers producers directors and everyone else involved in Sick Note. It has been directed/edited/produced/written/everything else that goes into it BLOODY WONDERFULLY. Watching this, at times seemed slightly CRINGE. Slightly MEH, a little OH COME ON WHATEVER AS IF a few more times than I would have liked....but it was all GOOD IN CONTEXT. The flow and feel of the whole first series at least from start to end was consistent and gripping even if it were more lighthearted than the description suggested. It is a breath of fresh air and a rather truth ISH testament in some aspects to real life in my neck of the woods (from what I've been told - except the articulate speaking - no one is that well spoken all the time in London - anywhere realistically - not just south London OR north London. (Pls no one take offence LOL) It's overall a great easy watching funny show with some great actors. It deserves more exposure. End of. Bloody watch it. Ignore most of my ranty off course CouldveBeenTenTimesShorterReviewImSorry just bloody download it and watch it! Thanks! :)
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