Review of Gemini

Gemini (II) (2017)
About Acting
25 July 2018
If this movie was Swiss cheese the massive # of holes in it would make it a celebrity cheese. 1. Actress - background, history, income all unknown. Decides, unknown reason, to drop out of a movie at last second in a cold standup sort of way. Only one person representing film interests was told in a restaurant of all places, his response was equivalent to being stood up for a date. 2. Actress wants a gun for unknown reasons. Actresses' agent accidentally fires gun thus leading her to be a suspect in a scene that makes no sense; was inadequately explained; seems to end up as meaningful as cheap tabloid. 3. There's a police investigation. What on? Not really important because it was so shallowly & stupidly conducted you would think you were watching a cheap movie within a movie. 4. Diversions & misdirection suspects were not presented as serious thus not taken seriously. Acting and scene time? Lots of short sentence rehearsed dialogue talking heads. 5. Typical non-conclusive ending w/knowing smile by one of the main characters. Meaning? A forgettable movie.
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