Worst movie in a long time
24 June 2018
I can't even begin describing how bad this movie is. I feel like I should watch it again to pinpoint every terrible aspect of it on a review, but that would be torture. I'll contain myself about several aspects of the plot itself so that this review is spoiler-free and hopefully some people who'd watch it save their time.

The personality of the main character, whom we follow throughout the movie, will annoy you beyond limits. They try to put humor on a bunch of scenes in which she's about to say important things that the movie builds itself around - but because of that, she always gets interrupted on a childish way. People just keep talking her over with random shenanigans and she stands there with an "oh my God" face that was supposed to make you laugh - I think - but just feels feigned and far-fetched. She also goes round and round not really doing anything the whole movie. It feels like she's all the time reacting to things and situations that she's driven to - which is confusing, since she's the main character and therefore is always going places, reaching out to people, having conversations, but on a passive let's-see-what-happens-here kind of voice. All the other characters also have their own flaws, the common ground being how superficial they are. We have a lot of characters in this movie. They all have very shallow backgrounds that serve the purpose of being active towards the life of our laid-back protagonist, who's too stranded to say for once what it is that she wants/feels/thinks. And the worst part is that it's all so confusing that WE never really know what she wants or who is she, which causes most situations on the movie to be completely out of logic.

Also, ALL relationships are completely devoid of chemistry. They talk a lot about feelings, love, marriage, commitment, but it seems like the movie is trying to sell us all that by showing some tears in certain scenes. I couldn't root for anyone, there was no room - all depictions of romantic interest are as shallow as the characters itself. I just felt all the time like I wanted to see where the movie was going to end up, since it seemed to go nowhere. Actually I can say that I did get surprised at the ending, because I woundn't think that they could make it even more senseless. But oh man... They. Did.

Extras: This movie brings LGBTQ relationships in the plot, and they are depicted the worst way possible. The sinopsis of the movie tell you already that there's two women on a relationship and one of them falls in love with some guy, right? Well, try to imagine the worst scenario of a plot like that. That's the way. Her brother is gay as well and they could have just placed his relationship on a corner as everyone else's, but they decided to show a scene in which the couple seem weird kinky guys who are into weird-laughable stuff (but it never gets explained - let's just leave it there, someone will find these weird gay fellows hilarious). Almost all the perfomances are just OK. No big moments of acting, nothing remarkable. Except for the mother's character. That's terrible.
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