Disappointing sequel to a decent escape movie
15 June 2018
I was a little bit worried when I learned that it will skip a theatrical release, but still looked forward to it. I really liked the first one and thought that the cast in this one was decent. Sadly, almost nothing about it works.

The script is disastrously bad. The plot and pace are all over the place, making an 85 minute movie feel long. The cinematography is horrendous. The movie is filled with neon lights that are almost headache inducing. The fight scenes are banal and are there just for the sake of it.There are Sci-Fi elements that serve little purpose and don't really fit. Oh, and Stallone and Batista are secondary characters. This would not be a problem if the leads were interesting, charismatic or well written, but they unfortunately are none of those things.

I enjoy B movies. For me, everything can be forgiven if the movie is fun. But this is just boring.
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