Detroit: Become Human (2018 Video Game)
This game is truly something special
27 May 2018
When I saw the very first trailer for this game, I knew right away that I would enjoy this game. Although I was a little skeptical considering the game was written by David Cage, I decided not to judge because I hadn't played any of his previous games.

After playing through this game twice now, I believe that Cage has made something big here and I'm talking really big.

Let me first talk about the best parts of this game.

I was first introduced to Chloe in the main menu, I think it's a cool little feature how she guides you through your options in the main menu, and when you finish the game, she does something pretty cool in my opinion (I will refrain from spoilers so you will have to play it fully if you want to know what happens).

The voice acting is incredible. There is not one character that I can remember that didn't sound convincing to me. Their facial expressions are believable and just all around fantastic.

The graphics in this game are beyond gorgeous. I played this game on a regular PS4 and I was blown away by the graphics. The surroundings are beautiful and I absolutely love the setting for Detroit.

The story is one of the best I've ever played. I was so interested in Connor's story arc, the LA Noire/detective style missions were very fun to play, his friendship with Hank (or lack thereof due to choices you make) was really well made. Kara's story arc was probably my favorite out of the three. Her relationship with Alice was practically perfect. I did tear up in the sequence when Todd loses it on her (this is a very serious game with some dark tones). I also got a little emotional in the Zlatko mission where we found how he treated his androids, just terrible. Markus's story arc was also well made. One of my favorite missions in the game was the android graveyard mission. Just the thought that these were once just androids being sold to someone, only to be torn up or destroyed and left to suffer with nothing left but despair is just spine tingling. The twists that are done in this game were totally unexpected, yet made sense when you look back. The ending brought me to tears. The best part is that you can play it again, and something entirely different can happen. The actual story only lasts around 8-12 hours, but there are so many choices and endings, that in order to really finish the game, it could take you 50 hours.

The choice selection was done to perfection in my opinion. Although sometimes, I might make a choice out of the four, but the character will say nothing related to it, I believe this is one of the only choice driven games out there where choices actually do matter. The flowcharts for each main mission show at least 2-5 different endings. I once heard that the script was over 3000 pages or something like that, this is a big game.

The soundtrack is phenomenal. A different composer was assigned to the three characters to give it their own little spin. I think that was a great decision.

Let's move on to the only thing that rubbed me the wrong way.

The camera angles are a bit frustrating at times, sometimes I might want to walk somewhere and the camera angle will switch so I'm walking away from where I need to go, but it rarely happens and it doesn't affect anything at all.

I'm not shy to giving out 10/10 on a game, because games like these deserve it. I like to compare story driven games to my favorite game of all time The Last of Us, a game that focuses on story and the relationship between the two protagonists. Detroit did something I thought no game could ever do, and that was make a story and characters almost equal to that of The Last of Us. David Cage does not deserve the treatment he gets from some people, he made a game that people will be talking about for years to come, I am proud to give Detroit: Become Human a perfect 10/10.
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