Fizzled out mess. Oh the irony..
20 May 2018
Another TV movie that didn't have to me made.

The brain trust at HBO decided: "Hey you know that great book by Ray Bradbury?", "And you know the 1996 version was pretty successful right?" "Lets make a jazzed up modern version!" Executive #2: "Sounds like a plan!"

Nope, this was horrible. It was so bad it's as if they tried to make it so.

Ray Bradbury was an artistic genius (whom I was lucky to meet in the early 80's); his written words flow like poetry. This mess is a a complete disservice to Ray, other than maybe, hopefully, it will get a few more people to actually the real book, or watch the superior 1966 out of disgust for this thing.

Ironically, this was sort of the dumbed-down social justice warrior revisioning of the book. The irony is so thick it's palpable..
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