A very crazy and entertaining film constituting an intelligent satire to the music industry of the time
22 April 2018
I really like almost every movie I've seen from Brian De Palma. I have not yet seen some films from the earliest phase of his career and I have only now seen this "phantom of the paradise" which is a very crazy and entertaining film constituting an intelligent satire to the music industry of the time. This type of films generally do not have an immediately positive reception of the public and the critic, but some become, over time, cult films, with legions of followers, as it is the case of this. See, for example, too, the case of "scott pilgrim vs. the world" by director Edgar Wright, 2010, whose humor bears quite a resemblance to this De Palma film. Also he had a cold reception initially, but with the passage of the years is more and more appreciated, being already considered by many also a cult film. Such films, different, of great creative freedom, and that satirized in an intelligent way many of the aspects of present-day society, so dormant and amorphous, are needed today.
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