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2 April 2018
While I'm not into 'creature from the deep' type movies, this is not really one of those. It is more of a love story like I've never seen before...

There really wasn't any room for 'spectacular' acting, though the whole cast did their job delivering the character they were assigned.

The wardrobe and props departments also did a great job giving the film a 1950s type of look and feel. The same should also be said of the film crew.

But, back to the story...

There were a couple of times I expected a completely different reaction from characters (no spoilers). However the reactions were delivered smoothly, so smoothly, in fact, that they didn't bother me, or make me 'dwell' for longer than a moment.

Like I said near the beginning, it is a love story, of sorts, with a sci-fi / creature from the deep sort of twist to it, and, once again, no spoilers, there is a betrayal that goes on, but a betrayal that has no pain...

There is no reason this film should get less than a 7 out of ten.

A film truly worth watching, no matter what you prefer. It has a story that it delivers, and a story that is easily enjoyed.

And, probably best watched by mature audiences :)
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