The Surface (I) (2014)
I would rate this movie 0 if I could
26 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Guy takes boat out on lake, guy rescues other guy from plane crash, an hour of the most mind numbingly boring conversation I have ever heard, plane crash guy eventually gets rescued. I never even cared enough to learn their names. No conflict, no excitement, no imminent danger, no solutions to problems, no real plot. Every opportunity for something exciting to happen was handled in the most boring way possible. Plane crashed? mildly bad weather, pilot error. Plane crash guy threatens to stab boat guy? they're all buddy buddy swapping stories 5 minutes later. Mystery backpack? can't open it. "Bad guys" trying to get backpack? they stop by and pick it up without a word. Boat damaged and sinking? just lazily paddle for a bit before giving up and ignoring the rising water. Plane crash guy experiencing medical issues? cell phone conveniently gets signal now.

Maybe I'm missing the point of this movie but it's not a thriller and barely a drama. The cover is misleading because there was never any rain or waves or even a hint of bad weather. I was hoping plane crash guy would just die from his injuries and boat guy would follow through with this suicide so the movie would end.
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