I wish it were a silent film...
23 February 2018
Visually On Body and Soul is gorgeous (both in its aesthetics and storytelling), it's concept is a truly unique take on romance. The problem is with the subpar delivery and the clunky writing.

The acting ranges from decent to great, at least visual performance vise (loved the close up shots of the actors' excellent mimicry). Alexandra Borbély and Géza Morcsányi gave fantastic visual performances, you can understand everything you need to know about their characters, what they're thinking at the moment etc. by their subtle expressions, but as soon as they opened their mouths it took me out of the film. The line delivery and oral performances feel ingenuine and unconvincing (except for Tamás Jordán and Zoltán Schneider who were great all around). I understand that it's purposefully and fittingly restrained and withdrawn, but it goes so far in that spectrum that it makes every conversation between the main characters a chore to get through (for the audience). The writing doesn't help it either. As a Hungarian, Ildikó Enyedi's writing (especially the dialouges) felt really unnatural and old-fashioned for me, like a book from another century (something from Dezsö Kosztolányi - a great Hungarian writer from the early 20th century). So I'd say you'll probably enjoy this film more if you're not familiar with the Hungarian language. Lastly I'm not sure what was I supposed to take away from the film. It seemed like other than a beautiful portrayal of a spiritual connection b/w two people - Body and Soul, which is praiseworthy enough, there's not much else under the surface. I didn't feel like I really gained anything from watching this film. Which is my personal issue, but I wanted to adress it anyway.

On Body and Soul is a tough watch. It's overlong and kind of empty in a way, with bad line delivery. Still I would recommend seeking it out, because it's a highly unique experience with a one-of-a-kind atmosphere, fantastic cinematography and some commendable (mostly visual) performances.
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