Family business
23 February 2018
Another King role for Chadwick. Just kidding and I haven't seen Black Panther yet (though that situation will be remedeed later on tonight). This movie is a straight up revenge thriller. And I really am not telling you anything you won't read in the description. Chadwick is the stranger who comes into town - in search for his sister and his nephew.

Now you can imagine that he won't just find them the minute he comes over. What he does find is some friends and quite some trouble. With an interesting choice in "weapon" he goes on to find out what happened. Now if you are a pacifist, you may not like how he approaches certain individuals or how he revolves arguments or how he achieves getting information from certain individuals. But this is a movie and a certain motivation plus determination will lead to a violent resolution. Question is: how well is it made? I'd say more than decent enough. It doesn't add anything really new to the genre, but it is well executed (if you'll excuse the pun) ...
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