I like this movie
28 December 2017
Amazing movie. Original. Fantastic. I know Justin and Alex are supposed to be close and siblingly in this movie, but at times they are heading into dangerous territory. Your vision may differ of course, but the closeness, well, a little unsual for a brother and sister. Maybe the actors are into each other a little too much. Alex is Alex as usually, not the perfect role model, but I think this makes the show and the movie the most interesting on that channel, I can barely call Disney. The rest was excellent.

Parents don't have to worry about the example that the rebellious teen sets for their own kids, since Alex eventually is forced to come to terms with her unpleasant behavior when she faces the possibility of life without her family. What's more, she learns important lessons in responsibility and self-confidence and improves her relationship with her brother after she sees things from his point of view. This upbeat, kid-friendly movie is a great choice for families of tweens and might even help get the ball rolling on discussions about topics like rules and respect.

I love it.
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