A Ghost Story for Christmas: Lost Hearts (1973)
Season 3, Episode 1
Creepy and atmospheric.
17 December 2017
A very strong entry in the Ghost story for Christmas series, I've been critical in the past thinking it's a drama that has elements of Hammer Horror, but also strong elements of Children's TV. A sort of CBBC v Hammer production, however when I re-watched it, I'll admit for the most part I was wrong. It's a dark story, and the elements in it that seem soft and cuddly are actually dark, and hiding a sinister heart. Fabulous production values, which has been the case throughout the series, this is more blatant horror, whereas with the Barchester Stalls and Warning to the curious, where the threat was more subtle and often inferred, here it's visually more obvious with the scares. Joseph O'Conor is so strong in the role of Abney, he certainly makes up for some of the wooden acting. Overall it's very good. 7/10
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