A Good but Lesser Version of'John Wick'
21 November 2017
The concept of a reformed criminal seeking redemption is nothing new. This movie is no exception with the small addition of a time frame, hence the title.

I found this movie to be much better than the average revenge/redemption flick though. It reminded me of a lesser John Wick. It's clear that the director knew the formula to make an entertaining film like JW:

  • A simplistic plot giving the bare necessity of background info to set up the story.

  • Largely action heavy, well-choreographed action/fight scenes, no CGI. Like JW, mostly guns and knives.

  • With a run time of only 95 minutes, the pace of the movie never really slows down once it kicks off. Kudos to the director for not adding any fluff.

  • Like JW, this movie is Gritty. Thankfully, no corny one-liners. The action scenes don't really hold back. Again, well choreographed, no CGI.

  • Lastly, I really appreciated the casting...

It's so easy now to cast actors who we already associate as being badass (Jason Statham, for example) for the main role. Don't get me wrong, I like Statham but we've seen him play this role so many times that it's hard NOT to envision him as a badass.

That was one thing I liked about JW, Keanu Reeves isn't 'built' nor does he have the reputation of a badass actor. This gives the audience a fresh perspective since they don't really know what to expect or what a non-badass actor is capable of.

Ethan Hawke was a great choice for the lead. Frankly, I've always liked and respected him as an actor. In the few non-action scenes where acting actual matters, Hawke delivers. He doesn't do the JW 'deadpan, man of few words' character but certainly plays the convincing role of a bad-ass.

Overall - The movie is reasonably predictable, but considering the title, you probably came to see some action, not for a riveting plot. If you liked the dark, gritty, and visceral atmosphere of John Wick, you'll almost certainly like this.

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