Inhumans (2017)
Is it as bad as everyone thinks?
1 November 2017
Inhumans has been on my list of TV shows to watch for a little while now, episode 7 is about to be released and I have just watched the first 6 episodes. I will admit that I was fairly skeptical at first after reading some extremely disappointing reviews from many a critic and MCU fan alike. I was extremely surprised however when I found myself really enjoying this show. The cinematography and locations are absolutely stunning, the CGI (considering it is a TV series and NOT a Marvel movie) is actually done really well, and the acting, despite what other reviews have said, was 100% up to standard. One other review I have read stated that a lot of the reviews seem to be focused on the first two episodes which were shown in IMAX theaters as a sort of mini-movie, and perhaps they were correct when talking about these, but reviewing the first two episodes and nothing more is like eating just the bread of a sandwich. I am not overly familiar with the comic Inhumans, I know a little bit of the characters and powers they have but have never picked up an Inhumans comic book, so jumping into this whole new side of Marvel comics by all means should have been a bit difficult, but it wasn't. The characters were set up great, you can really understand the antagonist's motivations (very similar to Loki in Thor) and really find yourself rooting for the heroes as you get further into the show, although you learn that maybe the heroes, despite them being literal royalty, aren't always right. The show tells both sides of the story extremely well. The actor for Black Bolt (can't remember the name unfortunately) is surprisingly really compelling despite not saying a word the entire first 6 episodes due to the nature of his powers, and this is due to some great writing and acting. Medusa was equally convincing and the CGI for her character came out great, which surprised me. The star of the show, however, was Maximus, absolutely stellar acting and writing, clear motivations, one of those bad guys you completely understand and want to root for even as you see him slip further and further into full-on villain mode. I would recommend this show as I have to many of my friends, maybe it's not your cup of tea, but definitely worth a watch!
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