A Ghost Story for Christmas: Lost Hearts (1973)
Season 3, Episode 1
Okay premise, but only occasionally convincing
23 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Lost Hearts" is a British 35-minute live action short film from 1973, so this one will have its 45th anniversary next year. It is one of several horror stories for the holidays directed by Lawrence Gordon Clark based on stories by M.R. James. The contents of characters (a kid in this example here) at remote houses were frequent in these and there was always something spooky going on there. Here the boy (played by actor Simon Gipps-Kent, who had a tragically short life) experiences dreams about two other children that are missing their hearts. Overall, the premise wasn't too bad and the atmospheric touch was there too. But the boy's acting did not impress me too much next to Joseph O'Conor, who really gave a commanding performance that was almost too good for the material of this small screen release. I also had some problems with the (intended) scary moments like for example the two ghost children appearing near the very end. Something just felt not right about that. It's tough to put a finger on the exact reason, but it just wasn't as creepy or at least as mysterious as I had hoped it to be. So overall with the exception of the grown-up lead actor I'd give this film a thumbs-down. But I think you should decide yourself if you want to see it. It is highly unlikely you haven't seen any of the others from the series when considering seeing this one, so decide for yourself depending on how much you liked these.
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