The Critics are Wrong
20 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Book of Henry (2017) The tale concerns a plan hatched by a young genius to save the girl next door from abuse. His mother takes on his plan when his health deteriorated. Critical reviews have been bad, claiming it just didn't know what it wanted to be. Even so, the general publics reviews have been quite different, with many enjoying it. I actually enjoyed this film for the most part. Critics shouldn't be excessively hard on films like this. If they do, the film industry will continue to churn out the same old cookie cutter films with profit motives completely overtaking good story telling. Sure, this film needed to be tightened up a slight bit. It may have tried to be too much. Adaptations are difficult, you have to nail it, for it to work. Still, I don't believe this film completely botched it either. They attempted to tell this story through multiple styles. They just fell a little short of the mark. Give this one a chance. If you aren't enjoying it, you can always turn it off.
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