I'm OK with slow, but this was dull and uninteresting.
30 September 2017
God! I wish this was Taken 4!:

I know I know, this is not met to be anywhere near the action packed "man with many skills" thrillers that the great Liam Neeson has become so well known for. This was met to be a dramatic turn that actors of his caliber take for the fulfilling challenge of the craft. You know what the real challenge is? Sitting through this slow burn.

I could not believe this movie was only an hour and forty three minutes, it felt like I was sitting in that seat for a lifetime watching the dullest investigation I have ever seen. The crappy part is that the movie is so focus on the performance of Neeson as Mark Felt that they don't even bother really going through the investigation of Watergate. You would think that would be good considering the movie is called Mark Felt, but in reality , the movie tells you nothing about the man. I feel like I have very little insight into him, even when they did detours into his life with his wife , played by the beautiful Diane Lane, and his estrange relationship with his daughter of which he uses FBI resources to resolve.

It's one of the most famous scandals in history. Not that I was that much interested in it from a entertainment standpoint, but I'm really surprise this movie did nothing to at least spark a little interest. It was so dull, sooooo dull and they met for it to be that dull. You can tell from the dark gloomy colors and the fact that they did not use music to give the effect of suspense, and unfortunately, no one's acting (not even Neeson) was good enough to support this illusion of lack of effort the movie is trying to give.

Skip this one man, read a book if you want to learn about Mark Felt. Hopefully the set in the 80s sequel were the Soviets take Felt's daughter and he uses his FBI skills to get her back will be a lot better.

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