A Film Made With Care And Heart
25 September 2017
True stories are always tampered with when trying to create a feature film. Sometimes that's for the better and sometimes it's for the worse, but it's usually done in order to make a great film, rather than relying on spilling information to the audience. Battle of the Sexes is the latest upcoming film to receive this treatment, and while I'm not very familiar with the material it's based on, I found myself really enjoying these characters on-screen. Whether or not they accomplished a spot-on depiction of them, it matters if the film ends up being good or not. Upon reflection, this is about a solid as you can get with a story that's fairly specific about its messages. This is a very well made movie that will be remembered for its great performances. Here is why I would recommend Battle of the Sexes.

Billie Jean King (a world-class tennis player) is challenged by Bobby Riggs (the current champion) and after deciding this is the best move for her career, the two prepare for the match of the century. That's the simple premise of this film, but the underlying messages of feminism and whether or not women should've been giving equal rights to play in a sport that many believed they couldn't do as wells men is definitely worth putting up on the big screen. Sure, there are moments throughout this film that many my find preachy, but there really isn't another way to get the point across without coming off that way. I thought this story was presented with care and honesty.

If for nothing else, Steve Carell and especially Emma Stone should surely be remembered for their performances here. Although nothing spectacular in terms of breaking out in tears or screaming for an Oscar, their subtle nuances that they add to their characters are really what made this film work for me. Battle of the Sexes is a film that needed to be made, but it's one of those movies that relies heavily on whether or not you believe in what the actors are saying. I was sucked into this story and found myself relaxed throughout the first two acts and slowly getting on the edge of my seat by the time the film reached its climax.

As mentioned above, this is a film that builds up to a tennis match to end all tennis matches (so to speak), but it's really not about the match at all. It's really just a matter of whether or not a woman can stand up to a man in the court, regardless of the outcome. I found this aspects to be very moving and it's what made me enjoy this film as much as I did. Yes, the match itself is well done, but its really not that intense, because by the time the match begins, the point of the film has already been made.

In the end, Battle of the Sexes is a well-written screenplay that's translated quite well to the big screen. Having very, very good performances that deliver a solid message about how far we've come as a society in terms of gender equality, this is always a relevant topic. All of that being said, I feel as though this film could've been much stronger. I enjoyed this film from start to finish, but it really does just exist to get that message across. It's a good movie that could've been great if it took a few more chances. I can recommend it to everyone in order to pick up on all of the eye- opening messages, but once you've seen this film, I can't see much re-watch value. Battle of the Sexes is a solid watch with a great message, but that's about it.
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