Monster Hunt (2015)
Fun Combination
28 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What would happen if you took the digitally animated creatures from nearly any Disney or Pixar film and inserted them into a martial arts flick with a touch of comedy added in for good measure? You'd get one heck of a fun movie is what. And it's already been made, ready for viewing! Made in China, MONTER HUNT tells the story of an ancient history when monsters and man lived side by side at one time. Fearful of the monsters man drove them out to a land all their own required never to return. But something is happening and the monsters are slowly crossing back into our world.

A civil war has broken out among the monsters. The monster queen is with child and the evil monsters are quickly tracking her down. Aided by a several good monsters, she heads to the world of man in the hopes of finding sanctuary there for her and her child. But the odds are against her as humans still fear the monsters and monster hunters track them down for the bounty on them.

Enter Song Tianyin, the harmless mayor of a small town on the fringe of the separation between these two worlds. Brow beaten by his aunts he seems less a leader and more a follower. But somehow the queen lands up in his hut and sends her unborn child into him before dying. We now have a pregnant man! At the same time a female monster hunter has shown in the area named Huo Xiaolan. But rather than harm the child she helps Song deal with his "pregnancy" and then protect the child.

The two are off on an adventure that will find them followed by both monsters and monster hunters. Along the way they'll get assistance from two fairly comedic monsters who were the protectors of the queen and now this new monster child. Yes the child, Wuba, is born and that leads to problems as well since it is a newborn and curious. Along the way both monster and human villains will unite to try and kill the child. But some things are just not what they seem and heroes will rise in the most unlikely places.

There are strengths and weaknesses in the film but that never stopped it from being a huge money maker in China. It was the highest grossing film in history in that country until the release of THE MERMAID in 2016. It's easy to see why as the film offers plenty for everyone, from children to adults alike.

Perhaps the weakest part of the film is the monsters themselves. None are particularly frightening, the main character of Wuba looking more like a cross between a plant and the Pillsbury doughboy. Even the dangerous monsters aren't all that scary. But perhaps that's a good thing when you consider that small children are the target audience for films like these. At the same time there is plenty to keep adults interested as well.

To begin with the best parts of the film are the interaction between the two lead characters. It's a nice role reversal here with the woman being the stronger fighter of the two and the man more the comedic foil for all that goes on. While at odds with one another when they first meet a mutual attraction develops. Perhaps this isn't a rom com but that element is there in small part.

The action and martial arts moments in the film are fun to watch. The wire work on display is fascinating and entertains at all times. The special effects are well done and not overused. But best of all is that all of these elements combine to make an entertaining and fun movie to watch. And for those who hate subtitles don't fear, the film is dubbed. This is one that the whole family can enjoy together and one I highly recommend.
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