The Tenant (1976)
Our mutual universes
25 August 2017
How can it be that something so distant can feel so close. This is one of those films that makes me wish I had made it. Crazy I know, but the feeling is real. It's like saying, "oh no, I wanted to tell that story myself" It rarely happens to me but it happened before, I had that feeling with "Purple Noon" and "Apartment Zero" - What's wrong with me, right? - All films of lyrical darkness. "The Tenant" is terrifying and you don't want it to stop. All those Oscar winners, Melvyn Douglas, Jo Van Fleet, Lila Kedrova and Shelley Winters for goodness sake - permeating the horrible attraction to the building - yes just like in Apartment Zero. Roman Polanski not only directs but also plays the title character, to perfection, I hasten to ad. Like most works of art, it's not for everybody, I know some people I admire who, hate, hate! The Tenant. I get it but I'm sorry because I know they are missing something, I don't know what, but something.
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