Review of Atypical

Atypical (2017–2021)
I have AS, and LOVED IT
12 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
UPDATE: Couldn't finish 3rd Season. The following is for the first two fantastic seasons. Seasons 1-2: 10. Most of Season 3: 4 (it just didn't grip me the same way the first two seasons did--felt like work).

--- First, I think certain symptoms of AS are exaggerated in all movies/shows. It MIGHT be me, but I think the (1) taking things literally and (2) poor social judgment are the two most exaggerated (they're definitely VERY real, just maybe not to the extent portrayed in movies/shows-- at least, in my experience/observation, if those two are present to the extent portrayed by Hollywood, so are other concomitant symptoms of more severe autism). Don't get me started on "The Accountant" (puke).

However, it's Hollywood, and understandable. The rest of the show is so great that I don't care about that relatively small exaggeration (which, again, might just be my own ignorance anyway). I actually kind of like it. Even if it's exaggerated, it adds an entertaining aspect to the show. And I'm not some whiny snowflake that needs to nitpick a relatively minor and understandable Hollywood embellishment because AS is "my identity," which gives me some sort of soapbox to feel special about (can't stand those people!).

Like I said, loved it!

I care about ALL of the characters.

I love, love, LOVE Michael Rapaport as the father. But they're ALL great. Seriously, even less integral characters like the bartender and boyfriend were perfect. I'm very sensitive to overacting and unjustifiable drama, and I noticed ZERO of the former, and only one small instance of the latter (possibly a not very realistic reaction by the daughter, to support a message that the writer wanted to communicate more than the circumstances justified), but it was only once, and minor.

Overall, the events that unfold are justified by the circumstances (you feel as though everything that follows is an inevitable and realistic consequence of the circumstances).

Also, NOT BORING. There is no fluff! No boring explanations or transitions. The writers do an EXCELLENT job of making fun and interesting things happen IMMEDIATELY. One thing, after another. Engrossing from the beginning, and it STAYS that way.

All I ask to the creator, Robia Rashid, and the writers, etc, please do not get comfortable or "satisfied." Please do not become one of the MANY shows that has a great first season, then loses that original drive that made the first season so great. Please do not settle on anything. You made magic happen in the first season. Please maintain that same commitment to make season two magic as well.
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