Let's kill a teenager. Everyone hates a teenager. We will be making somebody happy.
25 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Jennifer (Jennifer Fraser) is a bubbly lovable sociopath who likes to film stuff. She wants to film killing someone from the planning phase all the way through the body disposal. Her boyfriend/husband? Farhang (Farhang Ghajar) who is a Persian Ethiopian, or something, goes along with it, as the things we do for love. He has second thoughts and is pushed when he gets cold feet.

This is a hand held feature by a couple who spends big bucks for a camera and won't invest in a cheap tripod so they can both chop up a body or dig a grave together. The film is a dark comedy and not as overtly funny as "Psychos in Love." You won't find yourself laughing (hopefully) but will be looking at the complexity of love and human nature.

The problem was that the movie was low budget and the filming was bad as if to prove a point. Just because a hand held camera element is in the film, doesn't mean the entire film has to be a hand held camera and shot poorly. We can get the idea if we see someone filming someone else with an occasional view from their camera. I got a deal on E-Bay where the tripod came with the camera. I bet that guy is on Amazon too.

6 soft stars for the subject matter. The actual quality of the production lacked merit.

Guide: F-word. Sex. No nudity.
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