George of the Jungle 2 (2003 Video)
Sheesh, this sequel is atrocious
13 July 2017
Someone please explain why the hell we have been delivered George of the Jungle 2.

The silliness of the first one, coupled with Brendan Fraser's enjoyable slapstick, John Cleese's voice-over and Thomas Haden Church's funny portrayal of the villain is what made the film so fun, yet all of threat was taken away. No more Brendan Fraser. No more funny silliness. No more laughable antics from Haden Church, and Cleese is put to no good use as Ape the Ape.

And to make matters worse, GotJ2 insists on assuring the viewers that the film is a sequel, a Disney sequel, and a Disney sequel without Brendan Fraser, this time with the less-famous Christopher Showerman, who isn't even closer to Brendan; which is extremely unprofessional and even more tiring and boring to watch and listen to.

The narration is terrible and the subplot of teaching Geroge's young son, portrayed by Angus T. Jones (Jake from "Two and a Half Men") how to rope swing falls flat, just an excuse to advertise toy products for the boy, which was probably the film's main source of funding, because I don't know who the hell would want this film on their credits list.

A shame, a mess and not worth the time or effort it takes to watch it. This film is terrible, don't see it and if you have... may God have mercy on you.

P. S.: To the positive reviewers of this film, I'm sure that you're appealed to one of the Lyle's henchwoman, especially the blonde one who looks like Melissa Joan Hart, because the actress who plays this character was born in 1978 (MJH was born in 1976). If you want actresses born in 1978 go to watch a Japanese TV show called "Jiban" (a Robocop-like series), because a child actress who portrays a character named Mayumi was born on '78.
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