These Old Broads (2001 TV Movie)
26 June 2017
Is there anyone out there who wants to see Debbie Reynolds and Elizabeth Taylor sit down, hold hands, and argue about sex and a man Taylor's character stole from Reynolds's character decades ago? How about hearing Shirley MacLaine say, "My inner child is having such a tantrum" while wearing a turban and waving incense in front of her face? These Old Broads was co-written and co-produced by Carrie Fisher, as yet another hate letter to her mother. Apparently, she didn't get it all out of her system in Postcards From the Edge. In this one, her mother plays one of the title characters. Fisher had problems, problems she desperately wanted the world to know about via projecting her hatred for her mother up on the big screen. Why else would she create a movie about four old hags, all playing caricatures of their real-life personas, who hate each other and quip extremely stupid one-liners about their age, appearance, and sex lives? The only reason anyone would sit through this terrible, terrible movie would be if they were 100% on Debbie Reynolds's side during the Eddie Fisher scandal and still want revenge on Elizabeth Taylor, and if they get a thrill from making fun of older actresses. Basically, Carrie Fisher. Anyone one else will most likely, and wisely, turn it off.
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